Jumat, 30 September 2011

Sugar Could Be Toxic If Exceed 8 Spoons Day

Whatever type of sugar, if consumed in excess it can lead to various problems such asdiabetes and obesity. Health experts have even said, can sugar called toxic ifconsumed more than 8 teaspoons per day.

In the United States, many food manufacturers using High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)or sugar corn is more dangerous than sugar or sugar cane. Unlike the sugar is sucrose,fructose sugar cane is a much simpler structure.

The simpler structure of the sugar, the more easily absorbed by the body so more quickly raise blood sugar levels. For people with diabetes is difficult to process sugar,the condition is very dangerous because it can lead to various complications includingheart problems.

Although safer than corn sugar, white sugar or cane sugar remains no safer.Endocrinologist at the University of California, Dr. Robert Lustig said any form of sugarremained dangerous if consumed in excess.

"Sugar in the form of fructose and sucrose are equally bad and dangerous to health.Both are toxic to the body," Dr. Lustig said as quoted by FoxNews, Tuesday(03/04/2011).

Even so, the United States sugar consumption actually increased in the last 30 years.As a result, not only the number of obese people are increasing, but also people withtype 2 diabetes primarily triggered by unhealthy eating patterns.

Moreover, some of them do not realize the kind of sugar is consumed. Various types ofprocessed foods in the country are still using corn sugar, while consumers rarely pay attention to labels that are listed in the box when bought.

Dr. Lustig says, the consumption of sugar in any form should not exceed 8 teaspoons a day. Various types of chronic diseases commonly found in the United States becausethe people in the country consume an average 4 times more sugar than recommended.

Restlessness in the Morning Alerts Too Low Blood Sugar

Have experience waking up with bad feelings, always wanted to be angry with heart palpitations? Relax, it's not necessarily a bad feeling because such conditions often only triggered by the sugar content is too low.

In medical terms, restless in the morning is often referred to as morning anxiety. Degree is very diverse, ranging from mere restlessness accompanied by a feeling of wanting to get angry with shortness of breath and a cold sweat all over his body.

Psychological factors are often a trigger, for example when someone is experiencing a prolonged depression. Increased stress hormone cortisol in conditions that make sleep quality did not wake up in a state physically and mentally exhausted.

But depression is not the only trigger, because dietary and digestive system can also trigger anxiety morning. Quoted from Healthyplace, Wednesday (04/05/2011), blood sugar levels are too low can also trigger feelings of anxiety in the morning.

Sugar also takes brains to be able to function normally so that the brain will run out of energy if blood sugar levels are too low. Brain fatigue ultimately unable to control the release of various hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline that triggers stress.

Energy supplies are depleted due to lack of sugar can also trigger physical responses in the form of a cold sweat, heart palpitations and trembling bodies. But when the energy starts running low, the brain is the part which first felt the impact.

To overcome the anxiety that is triggered morning blood sugar factors, which is very easy to eat soon after waking. Drinking sweet tea can help, because sugar is a simple sugar more quickly reach the circulatory system.

However, to prevent it, a simple sugar is not recommended to be consumed before bed. Although fast reaching the blood circulation, a simple sugar is also rapidly absorbed by the body's cells so that the levels in the blood also decreases faster.

Complex carbohydrates in the fruit or vegetable is more advisable because it is able to maintain blood sugar levels during sleep that night and make the stomach feel full longer. In addition, the complex carbohydrates in the form of fiber is also good for maintaining healthy digestive system.

Sugar Addiction That Serious Problem

Not many people realize that he was addicted to sugar and more often underestimated. Yet studies show that sugar addiction as serious as alcohol and drug addiction.

If you can not escape from the candy, then it could be your sugar addiction. But most people would not consider sugar addiction as a serious thing as addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

But according to some researchers and scientific studies, sugar addiction can be as serious as addiction to alcohol or drugs, as reported by FoxNews, Tuesday (07/06/2011).

Sugar makes people feel happier. Recent research proves that humans are programmed from an early age to 'crave' sugar. And once the body has experienced the sweetness of sugar, it does not take long to make you become addicted.

After eating sugary foods, the brain releases natural chemicals called opioids, which gives the body a sense of excitement is intense. The brain then recognizes these feelings and begin to want more.

Researchers have identified that there are certain areas in the brain (particularly the hippocampus, insula and caudate) that are activated when addicted to sugar are met.

Studies from Princeton and the University of Minnesota to prove that the area of ​​the brain are active when you consume sugars together with parts of the brain that are activated when a drug addict wants heroin. The body will learn to want and need more substances that make it feel better. This proves that sugar addiction as powerful as drugs.

What actually happens to the body when eating sugar?

Once sugar enters the bloodstream, blood sugar will increase causes your pancreas releases insulin (insulin needed to convert sugar into energy).

When a large amount of sugar consumed, more insulin is released. Insulin that converts sugar into instant energy source, which explains the high energy jolt from a donut or a piece of cake. After a high level of insulin is released, blood sugar levels began to decrease rapidly so that there are problems shortly after eating sugary foods.

In addition to convert sugar into energy, insulin also stimulates fat storage. Therefore, the more sugar you eat the more insulin is produced. Consequently, the more likely you will gain weight.

Apart from causing obesity (overweight) and tooth decay, sugar is also associated with more serious health conditions, including mood swings, immune system deficiencies and diabetes.

Keep Sugar-Free Soft Drinks Can Make You Fat

Found in many soft drinks market labeled sugar-free or sugar-free, as though if taken will not make fat. Though artificial sweeteners in these drinks can make waistlines widen six times faster.

Consumers often get stuck with the terms sugar free, low calorie or diet soda. Although it does not use sugar, beverages labeled such fixed using artificial sweeteners like aspartame as a sugar substitute for sucrose or fructose.

In theory, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame does contain calories are much lower than regular sugar there is even completely free of calories. But in relation to increased body weight, artificial sweeteners are not completely safe.

In a recent study conducted at the University of Texas revealed, people who regularly consume sugar-free beverage packaging labeled gained weight more quickly, which is 5-6 times as much. The study involved 474 people for 10 years.

In volunteers who consumed sugar-free beverages, waist circumference increased an average of 70 percent greater than the group who did not eat them. The observed increase in the highest reaches 500-600 percent, or approximately 6-fold.

"The data in this study showed that diet-soda and other artificial sweetened drinks are not as healthy as advertised," said the researcher, Prof. Helen Hazuda as quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (30/06/2011).

Artificial sweeteners are not thought to directly affect body weight. But it is believed, the promotion of that artificial sweeteners are healthier encourage someone to feel more secure that sometimes you forget a healthy diet when eating other foods and beverages.

Drug Use Drinking Soda Really Make People Died?

Soda drinks are not good for health because it can cause obesity, osteoporosis and even reduce the number of sperm. But was taking medication with a soda can cause sudden death?

"I think it should take medication use soda instead of the cause of sudden death. It must be sought first COD (Cause of Death), to learn what the person is never sick," explained Dr. D stumps Situmorang, SpPD, KGH, kidney specialist and director of RS PGI Cikini detikHealth when contacted on Thursday (14/07/2011).

According to Drs. Stump, take medicine by using Soda is not a cause of sudden death, because the things that can trigger sudden death, among others:
Heart attack
Embolism (air bubble formation or entry of objects
foreigners in the bloodstream that cause the blood flow is blocked)
Respiratory failure

"There is a reaction, but no story like that (taking medications with soda) to make dead," said Dr. stumps, who also serves as Director of MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi.

But despite not cause sudden death, taking medication is not recommended to use soda or other beverages such as milk, coffee, tea and juice. The doctor will usually advise patients to take medication with water because water is free from chemical ingredients so as not to cause contractions.

Drugs or antibiotics that are taken orally can be effective for a person if consumed and absorbed by the body. Oral medication must be absorbed from the digestive tract to get into the bloodstream and then sent to the area who are sick or have infections for treatment.

There are various factors that affect the body's ability to absorb medications very well, including the relative acidity in the stomach, the presence or absence of nutrients fat or other nutrients, as well as whether there are certain elements in the body such as calcium.

Taking medication should also not use milk, because some medications such as antibiotics that contain tetrasiklik family would react with the milk. Calcium found in milk will bind drugs or antibiotics that prevent the absorption of the drug in the body.

Other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice generally contains various compounds such as caffeine that might react with the drugs consumed thereby affecting its absorption.

For that community is always advisable to consume the drug by using a known white water does not contain anything, so it does not affect drug absorption. Also water can help dissolve the drugs consumed in the stomach so that the process of absorption for the better and easier.

In addition, people should also reduce or completely do not drink soda. No health benefits can be obtained from soft drinks or soft drinks. All you get is a lot of useless calories. Soft drinks also bring adverse effects to health.

Hundreds of Medical Research at Monkey Claimed Not Helpful

The finding of new drugs sometimes have to be tested first on animals before attempted by man himself. Special to the monkey, animal activists claimed each year there are hundreds of medical studies that ultimately not much benefit.

Recently, a movement that is an animal lover Zoological Society of London conducted a study of 3,000 medical research between the years 1996 to 2006 that involved animals. Of the many studies, 10 percent of them using monkeys.

Hundreds of studies involving non-human primates that are beneficial to the development of science, but does not directly provide significant benefits for humans. In other words, most of the claims are not very useful.

"Scientific research on monkeys is always controversial and highly emotional. In my view, the funding of research involving non-human primates do not need to proceed," said Sir Patrick Bateson, president of the Zoology Society of London, as quoted from the Independent on Thursday (28/07/2011 ).

Not only in England, the movement against medical research on animals, especially non-human primates such as monkeys also appeared in many countries including the United States. Even from year to year, the numbers are expected to increase.

An educational organization, Foundation for Biomedical Research have revealed that support for the use of test animals will be decreasing in the last decade. Of the estimated 70 percent in the 1990s, support was reduced to 54 percent in 2008.

Although many are calling for the use of animals in medical research is prohibited, however, history records many important drugs discovered through research on monkeys. Among these are the polio vaccine, as well as the method of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's sufferers.

Temperature Extremes Can Ruin Quality of Medicines

In addition to passing the expiration date, incorrect storage can also damage the quality of drugs. Extreme temperature changes can have big effects on the drug and may reduce its efficacy.

Most people are used to check the expiration date before taking the drugs, but rarely consider the condition of the drug with a very observant. Though the wrong storage process can also damage the quality of drugs, such as exposure to extreme temperature changes.

"Pharmaceutical manufacturers recommend most of the products should be stored at controlled room temperature between 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C)," said Skye McKennon, assistant clinical professor at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy, as quoted by The New York Times, Thursday (18/08/2011).

The temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius temperature range in which the manufacturer guarantees the integrity and quality of drug products. But a lower temperature or higher, which is between 58-86 F (14.4 to 30 degrees C) is usually the drug is still in good condition and not damaged.

"If the storage location (drug) exposure to heat and cold so that drugs can cause a physical change, then the potential loss of (property) or even threaten the health of those who eat them," said Dr. McKennon.

For patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, damaged very dangerous drug, like insulin or nitroglycerin which can be life-threatening damage.

"The drugs are sold freely can also be damaged and potentially dangerous. Usually, consumers do not know the drug has been damaged when purchased it," said Janet Engle, a pharmacist and former president of the American Pharmacists Association.

When decay occurs antibiotics, the drug can cause damage to the stomach or kidneys. Aspirin can cause stomach damaged turbulent with very severe. Hydrocortisone cream can be damaged and become useless after exposure to heat.

Each type of diagnostic test strips, such as those used to test blood sugar levels and pregnancy is very sensitive to moisture. If the humidity stick to the strip, the strip will be damaged and may give false test results.

Contraceptive drugs or other medications that contain hormones are also very susceptible to temperature changes, because these types of drugs are often based on proteins and protein when exposed to heat will change the nature.

"Special attention should also be done on seizure medication, insulin and anticoagulants. Small changes in some types of drugs like this can make a big difference to health," said Dr. McKennon.

To ensure pharmaceuticals are safe, here's some advice from pharmacists and other experts:

1. Place the medicine cabinet in a place that is not damp
Medicine cabinet is often the worst place to store medicines because of high humidity and are often placed in the bathroom. Keep medicines in a cool and dry, like in the bedroom or even in the kitchen away from the stove. If children or animals can get into these spaces, consider the location of the rack so that the reach of children or animals.

2. Special packaging
"Do not believe in special containers are expensive and designed to 'protect' drugs, such as foil packets. There is no evidence that any drug package protects better than standard drug vials," said Dr. McKennon.

3. Do not be exposed to heat while on the go
The temperature inside a car can skyrocket while parked in the parking lot, let alone parking lots are open. We recommend that you store the drug in a separate bag or pocket when traveling.

If you need to store emergency medications such as EpiPen or insulin in a car, ask your pharmacist to recommend a place to store that will make drugs stored at the correct temperature.

4. Note the physical medicine
Do not take medication that has changed color or consistency change, regardless of the date of expiry. Check also whether the odor of drugs is not as usual. Dispose of pills that sticks, broken, louder or softer than usual.

Do not throw medicines in the toilet unused, but the mix of pills or drugs with coffee grounds, cat litter or other materials and put the mixture in the trash.