Jumat, 30 September 2011

Drug Use Drinking Soda Really Make People Died?

Soda drinks are not good for health because it can cause obesity, osteoporosis and even reduce the number of sperm. But was taking medication with a soda can cause sudden death?

"I think it should take medication use soda instead of the cause of sudden death. It must be sought first COD (Cause of Death), to learn what the person is never sick," explained Dr. D stumps Situmorang, SpPD, KGH, kidney specialist and director of RS PGI Cikini detikHealth when contacted on Thursday (14/07/2011).

According to Drs. Stump, take medicine by using Soda is not a cause of sudden death, because the things that can trigger sudden death, among others:
Heart attack
Embolism (air bubble formation or entry of objects
foreigners in the bloodstream that cause the blood flow is blocked)
Respiratory failure

"There is a reaction, but no story like that (taking medications with soda) to make dead," said Dr. stumps, who also serves as Director of MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi.

But despite not cause sudden death, taking medication is not recommended to use soda or other beverages such as milk, coffee, tea and juice. The doctor will usually advise patients to take medication with water because water is free from chemical ingredients so as not to cause contractions.

Drugs or antibiotics that are taken orally can be effective for a person if consumed and absorbed by the body. Oral medication must be absorbed from the digestive tract to get into the bloodstream and then sent to the area who are sick or have infections for treatment.

There are various factors that affect the body's ability to absorb medications very well, including the relative acidity in the stomach, the presence or absence of nutrients fat or other nutrients, as well as whether there are certain elements in the body such as calcium.

Taking medication should also not use milk, because some medications such as antibiotics that contain tetrasiklik family would react with the milk. Calcium found in milk will bind drugs or antibiotics that prevent the absorption of the drug in the body.

Other beverages such as coffee, tea or juice generally contains various compounds such as caffeine that might react with the drugs consumed thereby affecting its absorption.

For that community is always advisable to consume the drug by using a known white water does not contain anything, so it does not affect drug absorption. Also water can help dissolve the drugs consumed in the stomach so that the process of absorption for the better and easier.

In addition, people should also reduce or completely do not drink soda. No health benefits can be obtained from soft drinks or soft drinks. All you get is a lot of useless calories. Soft drinks also bring adverse effects to health.

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