Jumat, 30 September 2011

Sugar Addiction That Serious Problem

Not many people realize that he was addicted to sugar and more often underestimated. Yet studies show that sugar addiction as serious as alcohol and drug addiction.

If you can not escape from the candy, then it could be your sugar addiction. But most people would not consider sugar addiction as a serious thing as addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

But according to some researchers and scientific studies, sugar addiction can be as serious as addiction to alcohol or drugs, as reported by FoxNews, Tuesday (07/06/2011).

Sugar makes people feel happier. Recent research proves that humans are programmed from an early age to 'crave' sugar. And once the body has experienced the sweetness of sugar, it does not take long to make you become addicted.

After eating sugary foods, the brain releases natural chemicals called opioids, which gives the body a sense of excitement is intense. The brain then recognizes these feelings and begin to want more.

Researchers have identified that there are certain areas in the brain (particularly the hippocampus, insula and caudate) that are activated when addicted to sugar are met.

Studies from Princeton and the University of Minnesota to prove that the area of ​​the brain are active when you consume sugars together with parts of the brain that are activated when a drug addict wants heroin. The body will learn to want and need more substances that make it feel better. This proves that sugar addiction as powerful as drugs.

What actually happens to the body when eating sugar?

Once sugar enters the bloodstream, blood sugar will increase causes your pancreas releases insulin (insulin needed to convert sugar into energy).

When a large amount of sugar consumed, more insulin is released. Insulin that converts sugar into instant energy source, which explains the high energy jolt from a donut or a piece of cake. After a high level of insulin is released, blood sugar levels began to decrease rapidly so that there are problems shortly after eating sugary foods.

In addition to convert sugar into energy, insulin also stimulates fat storage. Therefore, the more sugar you eat the more insulin is produced. Consequently, the more likely you will gain weight.

Apart from causing obesity (overweight) and tooth decay, sugar is also associated with more serious health conditions, including mood swings, immune system deficiencies and diabetes.

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